surprisingly calm
i don't seem to care what reactions i provoke
re-evaluate and decide what's best for me
i need to be ok on my own for once
and not feel like half of me is gone
just because you are
maybe confidence problems should get together
maybe we can fix each other
maybe confidence is overrated just like you said
can i just be myself?
is that good enough for now
maybe i should try to get back there too
you lay it all out, call it down to a T
am i transparent, i thought i was being sneaky
you swoop in, from nowhere
and challenge me
to think different, act different, be different
some connections are too odd for people to understand
"no one sees me"
"if you only knew"
we all have that complex
the complex of not being able to see ourselves as others see us
our perception is distorted
leaving us with something less than to be desired
like it.