i wish i could
step out from behind my words
and tell people what i really think
what i really feel
but then i would be
hated my some
looked down on by others
if i had the guts to tell you what i really think
i wouldn't lay in my bed at night worrying what to say next
if i had the guts to always let people know when the things they say hurt my feelings
then i wouldn't spend days afterward thinking about it
if i had the guts to tell you right then
then i wouldn't have to look away and hide tears
if i had the guts to do what I wanted
then most everyone would hate me
if i had the guts to just walk away
then i wouldn't have stuck around so long
if i had the guts to bitch and complain
no one would want to be around me
if i had the guts to do any of this
none of these poems would be written in the first place
kiddo, while you and i both agree that this whole hiding behind the poetry thing sucks a big one, you've gotta admit, like you say, "if i had the guts, none of these poems would have been written in the first place." i guess that's the tradeoff--such is the dichotomy/duality of life i guess. i dig your poem
why would people hate you?