Ugly Sad

i stare at myself in the mirror

and i can't stand to even see myself

with wet eyes and wet cheeks

and my eyes are red and puffy

and my pillow is wet


i want to be noiseless


i want everyone to hear

so i'm not left to look at myself


Author's Notes/Comments: 

"I can only take so much, these tears are turning me to rust." -Plumb

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Beth Maggard's picture

this is gorgeous, how many times have i been there, and you caught it perfectly

mary*'s picture

love it, i can relate....but i hope this is ambiguous

joslin's picture

i know what you mean, wish i was there.

Eva Saviano's picture

do you have a little chair in my head? this is the first critique i have written but i love much more, i wish we had been friends more in highschool. you sound like i think, only more prosaic and talented.