Conversation with Dad

I don't know, is that a good enough answer for you?

I don't have an opinion...

I liked it I guess...

I have no basis of comparison...

Stop bugging me...

I don't know...

I know...

Let me just...

I know, but...

God, I don't know what I think or feel or anything...

Can you just stop asking?

I need time to think, or something...

Fine, send me to KU, I don't care...

Go ahead, give my room to Shannon...

Just get out...


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mar's picture

WOW, this is a good poem. WOW, i don't like it. But really good. I like it.
Have a nice and beautiful life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~My Best Wishes~

Michelle Bevan's picture

Hope this dosn't bug you..just kidding i like your straight to the point idea here Love Shells xxx

onelilartist's picture

There was a time when I would have liked to say some of those things to my daddy but it would have been the end of me. lol It's amazing how smart he has grown since then. I am constantly shocked at how smart he has become.

Good job.


Corey Fox's picture

good piece! i wrote one similar called "Stop watching the game" it is shorter than Yours. one love Corey & co