Of Gods, Heroes, Horney Toads, and Lonely Nobodies

Not Sex

You get what you pay for. . .

or do you?

In the cyberverse,

especially if you aren't really paying anything,

except attention,

it's amazingly easy

to form firm. . . 

totally mistaken


You're given only select information.

You see one side of an octagon 

and you think you are looking at a flat line.


Gods and Heroes

could really only be

Horney toads

and lonely nobodies. . . 

"pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

The bottom line. . .

don't be sure that anything on the internet

is what it seems!!!

but just enjoy the ride

and take it all with a grain of salt!!!

Peace to all!!!


Author's Notes/Comments: 


It doens't really matter

judge me as you may

because I am purposely anonymous here

but let me tell you I am middle-aged

and I don't have sex with anyone

I haven't even dated in almost 10 years

so these things I am writing about

. . .

all in the head

and is that all I want out of life????

not by a long shot!!! 

in fact I do wish I had a committed life partner,

but the fact is I have no-one!!

Not a lesbian sex-addict sex-kitten. . .

just a lesbian.

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We are probably all some

We are probably all

some kinda of nobody. 

Words without gestures

indications of somebody.

We huddle for warmth among

our like and kind.

Partners perhaps,

at least of the mind.

Have cheer in this answer

for at least you are heard.

And where in a flock

can you just hear just one bird?


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