Hello Hani my Neighbor and friend
Today, I don't feel very good
But a friend like you knows how
To communicate in such a way
that makes a man appreciate the value of communication
REFERECE: your email:
My Neighbor
You see Neighbor; things seem to me so relative.
Many things in our life are so relative.
Imagine that you are standing on the rim of earth watching the celestial and saw Venus Flaunting about the sun. And day by day you repeat the same observation to witness the same event. You would conclude that earth is standing still but (silly) Venus keeps moving (for no good reason).
Now, neighbor, imagine that you are standing on the rim of Venus and making your nightly celestial observations, you will definitely see mother earth sadly rushing around sun knowing not where else to go while Venus feels to you so constant!
It's relative. One's observation is relevant to his/her frame of reference.
وكذلك مسألة التكفير يا جاري العزيز.
كلهم كفروا بعضهم منذ قرون. سنه، شيعه، معتزله، أسماعيلية، صوفية والقائمة أطول مما يمكن أن تتصوروا، لكنما أحفظها في أرشيف اللاشعور، أخفيها لئلا ينتبهوا ثم يلاحقوني: لا ديني ... لا ديني! فأضطر أن أهاجر – للمرة البليون- بلا دين. أهاجر إلى (لا مهجع) من جديد.
Then I had to shout at them: there is no such a thing as a Kafar or believer. it's a relative thing. but I saw them gathering their forces in order to get me (some kind of a Jihad) I, therefore had to run back to you
to cry back to you!
Imagine friend
That you lean on your desk
Trying to write a decent thing
But your own emotion
Internally – attack you
Defeat you
Tell me then where is the right place
For a man to relax for a while
Sigh for a while
Cry for a while
Come back to himself
and write
For a while.
I LOVE THIS!!! :-) Thank
I LOVE THIS!!! :-)
Thank you!!
I used google translator for the arabic...but please, if you will, can you explain 'Denny'?
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "