SuperKisserMan-Innocent Romantic Bragging

Health Warning: the following lyrics have been tested in laboratory on cats. No serious side effects have been detected because it made them disappear.

I wonder what effect  would it have on stubborn, or naive women :)

Designed to kiss

These are my lips

I stretch them out

To every sexy Miss  

I never miss

I scan the cheeks … squeeze the mouth… taste the tongue  

And suck on tits

With a lovely press

Until she says: yes Human yes

I demand more but take no less

I pour my passion in every kiss

And hear her say: yeeeeeeeah! Human kiss

I pour my lust until she tics

I pour my feelings and that’s a bliss

I pour my words: I must confess, I love you miss

Until she says: O, Human hiss

Remark: As a matter of fact, at the end, she said: (I have to go I need to piss) but I couldn’t include it in the poem lest imperfect reality might distort the romantic picture. But I had to tell you for the sake of  honesty.

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poetvg's picture


poetvg's picture


Rose D's picture

Should this poem really be posted on a site with g rated readers hmmmmmmmmm

Signed a pig headed female

palewingedpoetess's picture

Ah, all the world loves a lover! tis such an old saying but ever so true. Am smiling a poet after my own ornery heart! and just so you know , had it been me I would have included the piss! wink......... most sincerely a poeticly smitten poetess ere a fair besotted word maiden "melissa"