Just A Human Pulse (2) (honesty/encounters)

I thought I learned my lessons:

Not to weigh people by the way they utter

Not to judge by the shine of color

Not tell until I discover the true essence of the matter.

Yet I didn't get any better although glowing like fire.

Being no drum nor a drummer

Nor a clown dictating by a hammer, shall I be a dancer?

Fluctuating as the moods Fluctuate across the hypo heads

Whenever the diverse interests run into each other?

Going down in order to get higher

In the hypo dual scale of measure

Or be monkeys baby setter? To keep the little feeling bigger

By blowing into leaking ill egos.

You can hardly ascend by keeping the honor.

Yet, I won't crawl on a human ladder.

I only ought to point a finger

Speaking out despite the danger: I'm not a sponge to absorb

rubbish! I'm a human pulse needing to flourish.

Trembling along the veins of life

Seeking a balance through a painful strife

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elham's picture

I truly enjoyed β€œThe honesty encounter 1 and 2” very insightful thoughts