
On the wings of a butterfly a dream does come

A whisper of beauty  and of grace

A sweet smile on her radiant face

I am jealous of their time,

When the dream takes her, and she is not mine,

To worlds of wonder and memories of other times

But at las my heart is at ease, for with the gentle morning breeze,

The dream will leave, and no longer weave, the dream that stole her away,

Again she will be mine,

With hearts intertwined,

Forever lost in time.



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nightlight1220's picture

This is just very sweet. Has

This is just very sweet. Has a very innocent and naive tone to it, and yet there is also the acknowledgement of reality that there is jealousy.

 I enjoyed reading. 



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


huggybear's picture

thank you

Thank you for your thoughts.


halfblooDoc's picture

Lovely. It feels like

Lovely. It feels like something heavy lifted by feather wings into something so light.

huggybear's picture

thank you

Thank you very much!