Of Lovers

I want to tell you

of lovers

two who stood side by side


next to eachother

unable to be the same

she was of color

he of little less than bleak black

she was of bright

he was himself night

they met in a place

without eyes

she never saw him

he never near her

until things became

so full

in the place without eyes

that they became pressed together

and she came

and he went


they had a child

which turned to be two


a sister

came in between the mother and father

they came to stand together

and the lady did say

to her lover

now that we are wed

and have a son and a daughter

I shall call on you

instead of my savior

when I need rest

I will send the message thru our son

for he must stay near his mother

and I the same of you

will ask thru our daughter

for she must remain near her father

for that favor i will ask you

not to be my lover

but my love

they said to eachother

and so it came to be

that they gathered

father daughter

mother son


the mother's name still the same

she was born as Day

her daughter Dawn

and father Night

Evening was their son

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missmfa's picture


I love the contrasts in this poem! Very well-written!

Check out my poetry book - as I write it! http://lostincyberspacepoems.blogspot.com

hstewart's picture


after a great length in time...

I say 



Afzal Shauq's picture

a good poem you added but why single one..hope you add moe to enjoy frien.. your poem is impressive and heart touching... love it.. I am basically a peace wisher poet with 6 books... hope you like my poems too

hstewart's picture

Writing was once a craft. a

Writing was once a craft.

a table, horseshoe, a painting 



is of the create


not the hands that create 

Caleb Powell's picture

Thats reallt nice