Many times it feels as though
i'm flowing with the times.
traveling down this same route
that somehow leaves me to think
it's dark, seeing the street but
only without the streetlights.
To only find myself traveling
on that same bus on the same route.
It's kinda frightening getting
off but in the step of it I know
that I have to.
It's my only way to survive is
to travel on a different route
the route that only comes with
one lamp that holds one light.
Perhaps in light of it all do
we as individuals follow each
others steps and floww with crowd.
In life being with the majority is
not my standing it never was and
never will be.
So I take the hand of my Master as
we travel together.
In harmony of the steps that were
destined before the first breath
of arrival.
again a sweeet reading your sweet poems and poetry..well done..appreciate your thoughful poetry... hmm really great job.. bets of luck