There's this energy you can't see, yet we see in physical
element of movement.
A magnetic energy to attracting the right ingredients
to show the existence of invisible to visible and again
to the invisible components of energy.
I find this striking to the core, what if the energy
was clustered from within and then pulled by a pull of
another magnetic force from the outside of invisible.
Then again energy can only be measured to a degree,
only in the mathematical degree which is continually going.
There is the energy of light knowing the good source of
energy although light has been measured to a degree.
Then there is the energy of dark in which can not be
measured beyond the understanding of light.
We acknowledge the forces of light and the mass of
it's conduct.
In state of reality we underestimate the dark force of invisible
illusions we face on a daily bases.
Always looking to light and also being aware of the dark.
Glitter My Words
like this with its profound truths