Being Judged


Who are you to judge me,

You are not higher then me,

and i am not higher then you.

Equal yes in different ways.

Yet we judge the suggestion

to critued in the views of

how we see fit.

A unfairness plays in this stage,

knowing in the possiblities

minds were already made.

In the wrong direction it will fade.

To judge is to be judged.

Yet we try to find the higher in result,

not by the quality but by gathering.

When you sit upon your rumby ass,

think to yourself who are you to judge.

You are know better then me

and me know better then you.

I think to myself what is the point,

to motivate and stimulate of imagination.

To discourage the writer in there

worthy to perform there perception.

Yet you judge in who is greater then the rest.

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you go girl, I know where you are coming from and I agree with you!