"Under the weather"


There are days like those,

you have to puke,

ly in the bed like a nuke.

everything is I suppose.

You try to sleep it off,

you try to wait it through

then you notice your battling with the flue.

You start to feel alittle better,

and then you moan and groan.

All you want is peace and quite,

and never leave your home.

I guess there are days like these

you have to face to face,

even when you knock on wood,

you still find it in your space.

Then of course it bounces to the next,

circulating through the family.

A cloud raining upon our day or week,

hidden in the shadows of the dark.

For next victim it will seek.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

We all have been sick in the family with this nasty virus, horrible, horrible feeling.

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

Oh how I can relate to this one. remember I went through this nonsens in Sept/oct hope you and the family feel better soon