SultryRose's Signatures
The creator is the source right from the beginning of time.
When sky was seperated from water, light equal to darkness.
The knowing from good and bad, a thin line of love and hate.
From life to death, vision and with out site.
Hearing in all sounds to listening without ears.
Theres to two roads we cross upon the right and the wrong.
Shadows of hazy winds to light with everlasting flight.
A blue print was made and new live was created.
We started as this little seed and grew inside another source.
Which gave us source to new beginning.
The higher source is within the mind and deep within the soul.
The soul which remembers things that takes them on a
path of gold.
It's a knowing of the unknowing that keeps us on our toes.
Wanting to achieve the very goal, a crown that's given to wear.
To be clothing in purity of renewness and acceptance into to life of eternity.
It's a knowing of purpose which we are all here to fullfill.
The source in which we hold on to, that enpowers us to breath each day.
Gives us strength, faith, hope willingness to take the steps we need to get that much closer to life with contentment, humbleness without fear.
The source is the source which lives in the very core of our beings, go with it, remember to breathe the breath of life.
Author's Notes/Comments:
Ruth had challenged me to write this piece
Great piece what I liked best is throughout the description no particular lables for highest source were used so all will relate. Some are offended by lable of "GOD" when they believe in Jehovah,Allah,Buddah etc or other various labels but whatever works individually is all that counts and as long as it all bottom lines to golden rule that is the true key.....You met the challenge kiddo smiles...hug....keep writing!!!!!!!