"Mother Earth"

~A Ponygirl Design~


She is beautiful in the winter, feeling

her coldness, but brighten by her blanket

of purity.

Haunted by her whispers and howling.

She is beautiful in the spring, when

everything begins to blossom, by her

soft rhythmic rain.

How we smell the freshness of her scent,

her air is gental and comforting.

She is beautiful in the summer, when we

camp in the heart of her heart.

Laugh when she is smiling.

To feel the heat of her temper.

She is beautiful in the fall, when she

turns her colors soft and warm.

Her autumn breeze allowing all her

leaves to scatter all around.

Our amazing, wonderful earth, who

provides all of us with all we need.

The powers she holds and creates in

her path.

She is stronger than any man.

She blows her winds and twisted her brain,

thunders her voice louder than anything.

She waves the water like a roaring lion, opens

her mouth showing her teeth, swallowing

anything in her way.  Not much longer she

will be roaring on another day.

She blows her top of scorching heat, just

allowing it to flow out.  Rebirthing within

herself, giving life a new site.

She has many side, and many emotions,

with a mind of her own.

She is beautiful, graceful, humble

and bright.

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sue mceachern's picture

beautiful piece. this is so true

Justine Egan's picture

Beautiful piece...so descriptive I could just imagine the different seasons.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

Beautiful piece,Im forwarding this in email to my pagan friend in New Mexico,she is one of the elders in the community. It would be a great read for pagan pride day. We have one here in Middleborough Mass Sept 10