"And the blood of Jesus Christ His Son

cleanseth us from all sin1 John 1:7

SultryRose's Signatures

To forgive is to let go, but never forget.

To forgive is a feeling that you don't regret.

To forgive can seem like a weeping

feeling like you've lost, but in the process

you've actually won.

We all go through troubles in life,

with our friends, parents, children, husbands,

and wives.

When you build a wall around your heart

it can make it hard to allow forgiveness inside.

Allow the Lord's words to tumble in and

stumble down the walls.

The fear to forgive can make it impossible

to give forgiveness.

What can seem impossible is actually possible.

To not let the seed of hate control your

emotion for love, but your love to control

your emotion for forgiveness.

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Justine Egan's picture

That is so true! I have struggled with forgiveness and God helped me break down those walls...great piece