SultryRose's Signatures
I am a servant in my own world in the life
of the living and the of the dead,
your probly wandering what does she mean,
well i will leave it at that since you wont
comprehended there more to dymentions of man.
Everyday spent is a day with a price and you
look at the cost it's dearly a cent and you may
look well that's not much and when it all adds
up will seem like a lot.
Life is not free if you know what i mean,
it will chew on your splin and chew on all that seems
and yet you question what life really is.
It comes with a cost and it a price with concern,
and yet you fear in the worst the best come with glee.
All that you amagine went put with a scene.
You amagine it all nice and perfect and the worst
was meant to happen and you gave it a scream.
Did you learn the lesson set before and you say
with yes and yet you serve with same circle and
witout and rest.
Do you still question the same thing or you gambling
your life.
We are servents to ourselfs to all in our lives and
God the trinity and all spiritual deguise, how do
we even comprimise.
We try, we serve that a life lesson learned of purpose
is earned.
I dont find this rambling like you said in your comment ,I find it to be a purpose to be fulfilled individually an dhopefully we attain it. That's what it means to me