Sweet Dauther Isreal

Holy crazy city of Isreal,

tear down your walls,

tear down your walls.

Cant you see the madness

you are causing me

Pure insanity.

Cant you hear mothers are cryng

cause there babies are dying

You have no remorse.

An eye for an eye,

tooth for a tooth,

why can't we call a truse.

Cazy holy city of Isreal,

tear down your walls,

tear down your walls.

The angles are crying,

God is signing,

children what have you done?

Your lust will consume you.

What good can come of war.

Jesus shed his blood for you

and still you thirst for more.

You kill for desire

with no intention to stop

till you conquered all.

Holy crazy city of Isreal,

tear down your walls,

tear down your walls.

Tame your tongues

before they set fire.

End your sins,

devour you all.

Learn to compromize together,

knowledge will erase the fear,

hatred will be nomore.

Piece together the puzzle

the foundation we walk on

is  made for us all.

Crazy holy city Isreal,

tear down your walls,

tear down your walls.

By my friend Vanessa Christain.

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This poem is awesome!!
I guess it was written by someone else, but I still felt the need to comment on it. It's magnificent!
