A Night Alone

Enter alone single out a chair

Order a soda and take out your pen

No cares

Listen to the music begin

Time to release all that’s within

Nothing to block paper from mind

Just feel the flow

Everything’s fine

So one day may be bad

Another good

Just don’t sped your life in “shoulds”

A piece of advice if you don’t care

Use it or don’t just had to share

Live to love

And love to live

And you will see

What peace may give

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Afzal Shauq's picture

perfect... yeah its a good poem with rich idea and sweet composition of words... the way you did it is nice and heart feeling of course... so I can say that you are a good poet with sweet poetic feelings and thoughts... hope my poetry has also that much strenth to make way to your heart and brain to capture as this poem of yours has done to mine.... wish you good luck peotry friend... with a hope you will go through my work too..to know if its heart touchig or not?