The Backup Friend

My poems

I'm tired of being everyone's backup friend
Of being the one you come to when no one is on your side
But the one you ignore if someone better is around
I try to stay alone to hide from the hurt I keep feeling
But no matter what I try the pain keeps coming through
And whenever someone talks to me
I'm the one who always ends up crying alone
And every time I try to help
We end up sharing scornful words of hate
I'm never anybody's first choice for anything
I'm the last person on everyones list
I'm tired of being everyones backup friend
I'd rather be nobody's friend at all.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

yeah this is how i feel like all the time even with ppl who complain about not being listened to i just feel lately like i dont have any friends cept for ones i never get a hold of or are thousands of miles away:(

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good poem and i totally get

good poem and i totally get where your coming from..I say better to have no friends then a thousand fake ones