Nobody Cares

My poems

Nobody cares about me
No one gives a shit what I do
And it seems, no matter what
It's always my fault
Even though I had nothing to do with it
No one would would care if I hurt myself
Nobody would care if I die
My funeral will have no guests
My tombstone no visitors
Nobody would notice if I went missing
Because no one cares enough to pay attention
I don't know why people act this way
Or why they hate me so much
All I know is how I feel
And that feeling is despair

Author's Notes/Comments: 

another poem yeah juss the usual depressing story of my life plz comment

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You think no one cares, you

You think no one cares, you think no one would cry, you think no one would be at your funeral, and be crushed that you died?? Then you don't know at all hon. Your friends, your family, hell I'd be hurt, if I found out, I'd cry for you. You are a wonderfull person, who just has been through her rough patches that we all have to go through. Life gets better, trust me, I know. Keep your head up, smile and keep your eyes open for the ones that hurt you, so you can see them fall on their faces into the dust. Keep writing, good poem though. <3
