Our mind is the control tower of our life

our mind is the control tower of our life


what we think about is really what controls us


we can't control everybody else but we need to learn to respond


what is it that determines what I think


programmed to think the way God thinks


controlling your thoughts cause that's what controls everything


set your mind on the things above not what's on the earth


consider the members of your body dead to sin


when you trusted Jesus you died to your old way of life


the pathway of controlling our thoughts begins with our relationship with Jesus Christ


it requires to me how to control my thoughts


that's why people who are very beautiful think their ugly


those that are skinny really believe they are fat


people are ruined as the result of what they were taught


we are to live godly in an ungodly environment


people go to church but there is a way you have to think that is true


even if our gospel has failed in whose case has blinded the minds of the unbeliever


he blinds the minds of unbelievers and deceives believers


Satan works on your mind why its important to get your mind renewed.


we have the power to recall but they mind is very important & can be deceived by the devil


when you give yourself to a specific sin then you can have a repobate mind




it makes a difference what you think its imprinted on your mind


the mind is a strange things and powerful part of your body


you have the Holy Spirit living in you as a believer a helper to inable in your thinking right


you are responsible to what you think & how you think it


we sew a thought and reap and action


unseen thoughts produces visible consequences in your life


it came from your thinking don't think less on yourself as God sees you


when a thought comes to your mind accept that thought and express it


you have within you the power of the spirit of God to begin to think rightly


we are the products of our choices in our life


where will these thoughts lead me ?


will these thoughts get me to where I want to go ?


are these thoughts scripturally acceptable ?


you do not have to watch what you do not like.


will these thoughts build us up or tare us down


could I share these thoughts with someone else ?


what did these thoughts originate ?


all of those questions you have the power to answer for your life


do I feel guilty thinking these thoughts ?




where we are is the result of how we have been thinking all these years


we have the mind of Christ Jesus gave us the power to think like him


do these thoughts fit who I am as a follower of Jesus


love is from God lust is from the world cause lust is a desire


love is selfless it is giving


there is no such thing as free love


true genuine love has a price tag it cost you something


love is purity and lust is sin & disobedience


love develops and lust destroys


love is peaceful and lust is full of anxiety


we have to choose to obey Christ's commands in this life