Why Cant We Just Dance?

Why Can't We Dance?

Why must we

read the news?

Our tears roll down

A face painted on the front page

leaving small lakes

Beside a story of heartache

Or war.

Our eyes fixed on words

Of mothers losing sons

And sons losing sons

Stabbing our idea

Of a safe world.

Why must we

Sleep at night?

All we really do is worry,

The corners of our eyes

filled with sand

and thoughts of peace

Drift away

As our hands cover our eyes

Trying to block out the light

Of yesterday.

Why can't we dance?

Let our feet move freely

As our eyes

Make a model of the night sky.

We could jump

And sway

Let the music crawl beneath our feet

And tickle our hearts

Letting the peace

We dreamed of last night

Dance along with us.

Justine Zingg  1/29/03

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Steven Lutara's picture

why cant we indeed? Beatiful.

Meg M. Marquardt's picture

This poem is perfect, simple and true, honest and beautiful, sad and desperate.

Thank you.