Too Many Games

What is this you deal?

It's a pointless game.

A game with no end.

No end in sight.

You'll never see what you could be.

You'll never see your true potential.

But, perhaps you might.

You might, but it'll be too late.

It'll be too late to see your mistakes.

Your mistakes have taken over.

They have taken your life.

You are their prisoner.

There's no way out.

There's no light at the end.

You're in too deep, and you can't get out.

Your game went on for far too long.

But now, it's over.

Now you're over.

You're stuck.

But, I am free.

Your game did not capture me.

For I had the will to get out.

The will to get away.

As for you, you are forever condemned to this life of misery.

This life that you played away in your so-called simple game.

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Joel's picture

seems to me you are a very strong girl
you found your way out of the maze.


nobody can hold you down!

I'll be back to finish reading,
have to go


"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"