Losing the Battle

There are nights where I sing to my black and blues

Hold a smile on my face cause if not, they reveal

Bite my lips to stop the water 

Hold my breath to hide the evidence

Only to reopen the box of pandora when alone 

It's an endless cycle that pains me more

Hide the sorrow, only to find I didn't have to

Because no one cares

No one wonders

Yes, I'm normal.

But being normal doesn't save me from insanity

Inside my soul 

Sometime it's dark enough to compare to hell

I hope to never cross the line 

But day after horrid day I inch closer

I fear me conscious may lose

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nightlight1220's picture

It sounds like a 'ritual'.

It sounds like a 'ritual'. Like when people make shrines in their homes for meditation or mourning a loved one.


"Only to reopen the box of pandora when alone 

It's an endless cycle that pains me more"


As if it is a 'special time' for the writer. I guess the feeling that mostly comes through is 'I need my pain'. Many people do hold on to their pain. It's really pretty common. Nice write!

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "