I love you the most
More than cheesy crisps and chocolate toast
I love you more than pigs in blankets and apple pie,
I love you so much
(I cannot bear to see you cry)
I love you more than sugar-gum drops, lotion and Vaseline
But why do my feelings come out in words so mean?
I love you lots like jelly tots and pineapple jam
(I love the way you love my hands)
I wish to take the stupid jokes away
That led you to dis-believe
In every word I say
When you took him back
You ripped my heart out of my mouth
and when i told you that
you laughed and asked if i am ever serious about anything
I was serious you idiot :(
hey...yeah, stop hiding behind ur sarcasm and try again. i do the same thing. cuz it stops u getting hurt. tell her. again. and again until she understands. good luck. louise xx