
Jennifer Brossette

My Portfolio
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Louisiana, USA

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm a free verse poet when the moons is low and an artist when the sun rises. I make it a point to keep my poems short and sweet. The more I stretch out the poem, the less it starts to make sense. Poetry is just a side hobby of mine. I hope you can understand my poems and their messages. I've been told "I don't understand" or "can you explain this" one too many times. Ugh, rather I am really bad at this, or people are really witless. Not sure what you'd get out of it, but you can find me on Instagram @Herbalflows no poems, just me

About My Navel

It's very clean haha I kid

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

So, this is labeled favorite stuff, so I guess I should fill it out. My favorites include: drawing, music (trip hop, ambient, classic rock, soul, and 60's) peace and quiet (I love solitude) reading, discussions (debating and just talking about things we have in common) writing, and complaining about things for no reason (that's all I do lol)


Member for
9 years 24 weeks