Your Hearts Choice'

You give unto emptiness of uncaring, love so pure from your heart and soul

You speak of the perfection that is the one you care about, a man of true character

I see disloyal beliefs and games played, a toy in a hand not worthy to lay touch

What is it that takes you to his parlor? What makes his love so much more than mine?

I destroy all doubt from my mind; I take with me the knowledge of understanding

You see more in that which is of someone else; I am nothing here with my heart open

Giving you happiness is all I wish to do, making you my world my queen and life

I seek no other pleasure in this game we play the reality of the virtue I hold in my heart

I found an exit into the future, a way out of the torture of caring for you

You go be with the one that makes your heart tremble, complete the moves of our end

Remember that not all that resembles happiness, is, that shrouds can blind the closed eye

Find what you long to capture, hold onto the blanket that overwhelms your every desire

I have known true beauty, but lost it to a beast that comes to reap from my anguish

Break me into the pieces of your everlasting game; move me into the position of death

You have walked into the path of uncertainty, the ending of a road to our destiny

Wrong turns lead us to no where, and the chosen lead of yours directs you away from me!

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