Your Eyes Only'

Eyes that bring life to feelings and death to emotions, your only mirror on reality.

The looking glass of how you live and feel the world around you, to finally comprehend.

I stand behind the barrier of deception; I see where you go and what you do on a daily.

I recall the night we met how the light showed me your smile, to see you truly be you.

If I could be where you are in a time that we have been, to see through your eyes.

I look through time as if to stare in a pool of wonders, thinking how you are.

I wish to see and be seen, to know and to understand, I want to see through your eyes.

To see everything in a way that you can only do, to feel how all is and how love endures.

I remember the evening our eyes first met, if I could only have been seeing what you saw

To have felt every emotion and tear that fell from your heart, to see through your eyes.

Making everything I felt reality and changing the thoughts I had, to have known the truth.

The mood of how you drifted for a moment, how your destiny changed in an instant

We are what we have been made to be, a relation of sincere emotions of Love and more.

We saw what we wanted but were blinded to what was real, we never saw the reality

To see in your eyes one more time and to realize that life has changed the emotion.

A dream is only but a dream until you have seen through the eyes of your beloved.

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Rose D's picture

What an excellent write not just this one all your writings. You have an amazing talent
