The days are growing shorter
And the clock ticks only for so long
Eventually the battery dies
And one must change the life source
If time can continue
A clock is designed to tick
Without a battery it is dead
And is incapable of doing anything
Whether its intentions
Be for what its designed to do
Or its intentions
Are to do something else
Either way it is dead without a battery
By the grace of God,
There go I
Oh how my heart goes out to a lost soul
They seek to do so many things
Evil is our nature
And though we may try to do good things
It all accounts for nothing
As we are dead clocks
But with Christ we can tick
We can bring meaning
Our lives can have purpose
And peace can finally dwell
Where there is now so much depression
If I believe in Christ
Then I believe in Heaven
If I believe in Heaven
Then I believe in Hell
If I believe in Hell
Then I believe in the Devil
As I also believe
One day we will all spend eternity in one of those places
Where Christ brings conviction
The devil brings guilt
Oh how for so long
Have I confused the two
conviction always applies
To my sinful habits
I commit in the present
And guilt is the reminding
Of all the sins
I committed in the past
If you have read this far
Let me encourage you
Be of good cheer
For guilt is not of Christ
It is from the father of all lies
The devil
Christ loves us
I know this
because Christ
First demonstrated
His love towards all of us
By dying for all of us
Even though our nature is evil
Even though we are all sinful
Even though we don't understand
Even though we don't care
He died for us anyway
So my sins would be forgiven
So that when I'm reminded of past sins
I can say "no" my sins are forgiven
The past doesn't matter anymore
Oh God! Who am I? Why me?
For so many years
I felt obligated
To live religously
Because I owed it to God
And I was wrong
For that is guilt
And religion is of man
Christ didn't do it
Expecting something in return
His purpose is not to pressure
Or to "obligate" or "expect"
Christ loves us
And He wants to pull us out
Of the sinful mud puddle
That Satan has set for you to fall in
Won't you let Him?
Are you tired of feeling cold?
Are you tired of feeling sad?
Our Father in Heaven offers Light
The natural law of Light
Is that it gives clarity
It warms and causes things to grow
It gives nescessary energy
To make a clock tick
If you want the light
His name is Jesus Christ
And all you have to do is ask Him
He's everywhere and in everything
And He's all ears
Today is all we have
And Satan wants you to wait until tomorrow
wow that was short and practical. I can almost see a clock on my wall and I want to go check the batteries for some reason.