The beautiful poet has
left this earth plane.
Suddenly, quietly
going home to rest.
Composing his lovely
poems for the heavenly
choir to sing.
Listen, listen I hear a
melody. so refreshing
so endearing , so lovely
one I will never forget.
Dressed in fine linen
he is sitting by the river
of life.
Basking in it's beauty.
Waiting for us to join him.
(c) copyright heather burns
brief question
Am I reading this correctly, he has passed away?
answer to your question
yes he has
Yes he has passed away. He was and is my favorite poet. An one of my best friends.
The river of life, I never heard the concept before but it is beautiful, bright, and welcoming, no disrespect to St. Peter, but I want to be welcomed to heaven by Brad Pitt - ahhh me - allets
thanks for reading ahhh yes it does sound entrtaining. heather
death of a poet,great write
death of a poet,great write the imagery was right on
ron parrish
thanks Ron for reading. Appreciate it very much.