Changing Seasons


Trees begin to shed
their dresses
Once again, they
change colors.

Turning from green
brown, then gold.

Falling from their
to be blown away.

They stand alone,
bare in distress
for all to see.

The wind whistles
through  pines,
leaving a chill in
the air.

Dreams of a life
fade with the
changing season.

Close the door
The day is bitter
winter has arrived.


(c) copyright heather burns


this poem has been revised  see changing seasons #2

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dreams of a life time, fade with the changing season.

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sanctus's picture

Outstanding writing here...

Outstanding writing here...

heatherburns35's picture

Changing Seasons

Thanks alot for your nice comments...appreciate them alot.....

vilmazab's picture

I know, the change of seasons

I know, the change of seasons does spell a change of feelings too, bitter sweet memories are a part of life and our destiny is curved in it..I like this poem Heather, very significant..

heatherburns35's picture

Changing Seasons

Thanks alot for your comment V....I'll be reading some of yours soon...As soon as I get myself together...