She sits here wishing to feel better,

just when she thinks things are better,

BAMB.... there goes the fever again....

get some rest.... famous last words.....

when she is trying to sleep,

her head hurts from the pressure,

so she has to sit most of the time,

there is just no getting comfortable,

so she sits and reads, posts what she can,

trys to watch a movie, only to find it made no sense,

she must be dozing while she sits,

she is tried of this crap,

no fun to sit home when you feel like crap,

wishing she could go to work and make some money today,

she can only read so much, only watch so much TV,

oh, to feel the fingers from the sand man,

would truly set her free.

or would it??????

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pudnsis1's picture

Renee' Illness is quite a chore, but you seemed to take this better than I would have. To have the courage to put pen in hand a scroll as you do. You are one unusual, fantastic spirit. I am glad you are here for us. Linda

Roz Turner's picture

Hi Renee Again... you seem to put the pen on paper and write about anything the comes to mind! I hate being sick.. doesnt happen to me very often, thank God! Great words. Roz :)

Melvin  Lee's picture

Aaaaaaawww....u have been sick, Renee?~!?.Shucks...poor thing..... i hope u re feeling much better now.... and seen a doc, and taken medicine?~! U better do... Quite a interesting poem....heehe, especially the first few lines.... Do take care, ok? Byes for now.

Frank Hinz's picture

you hit home on this one...going thru a sick period as we

The Hook's picture

LOL....I love the way you write about almost anything...good, bad, sick, whatever.... You truly have the heart of a poet, my friend!!! I do hope you get to feeling better, and very quickly!!! {btw, next time you're feeling "frisky", are we going to get a more joyous poem? LMAO!!!!!}