My PostPoems Delight

I have met some nice folks here,

And they all seem to like what I write,

I look forward to seeing what they have to say,

And their words always make me feel just right.

Let me see if I can tell you,

Just who some of these people are,

There is Roz,Doreen, Jason and Mel,

Each being their own bright star.

They all write so much better,

Than anything I could ever do,

I love to read their poems here,

Just how they do it, I just haven't a clue.

What would you say is the best one,

Oh,man,that is such a hard choice,

I have enjoyed all the ones that I have read here,

And they all have such a powerful voice.

There are poems about love and hate,

Poems about sadness and loss,

Written words about almost anything,

Moving fingers that gather no moss.

As you read these words of wisdom and truth,

Leave a message so we know what you think,

Take you time, remember to pace yourself.

Cause you know here time goes by in a blink.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is the same poem that was titled...No Title.... i took Jason's suggestion on a title... when i went to change it for some reason it got messed up... so here it is again.... thanks for all the support about the missing poem.... have a good day....:O)

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James Haggerty's picture

Glad you changed it. I hate poems titled "untitled". James

Rachelle Wiegand's picture

renee' You are a Postpoems Delight!

Tim Marshall's picture


Dead Poet's picture

your joy is felt throught many of the readers. your happiness is appreciated by writters i hope for your work to continue to flourish for now you are a bright star in my eyes, never to tarnish you have a positive attitude that attracts individuals towards you... ...keep up the attraction and have a good one!

Misty's picture

Well done, I feel the same way. I have only just found this site and it has given me inspiration and a way to express myself without judgement just positive affirmation of my work. Keep up the beautiful work - beauty is in the eye of the beholder and from my point of view it looks unreal. :-) Misty

Roz's picture

Wow!!!!!! Thanks Renee for including me in such a honourable list. I haven't been online for a while. Came straight to this site, of course! My gosh....don't you ever think for one moment that you don't write good poetry. You are the inspiration my dear! That was truly beautiful and the warmth of this poem just filled the room. Keep up the very good work! Roz Have a great day :) - You deserve it!!!!!!!!

Jason Minton's picture

WOW! I never thought that this website would make so many people happy -- never mind inspire someone to write a poem! Renee' It's an honour to have you as a member, and I'm very glad I have been able to inspire you, and allow you to make new friends! Thanks x 1000! P.S. Maybe you could call the poem, "My Inspiration", or "My Postpoems Delight", or "One Day, It Came To Sight - Postpoems In Broad Daylight" (that ones kinda long)... Just some suggestions, I'm sure you'll think of a perfect name for the peom!

Doreen's picture

Oh my! I just joined yesterday, and I feel so welcome!! Thank you for incorporating my name into your breath taking poem. I feel so special. You are awesome. You truly inspire me. I feel dumb asking but did Jason start this website?

Mel's picture

Smilesz...thanxs for including my name there. I am sure Jason will be glad someone composed a poem for this website of his...feeling more appreciated now, jason?!. hhaha. Once again Renee, u score with ur simple flow of words and emotions...welldone!