Thinking of thoughts.

Why has my heart  

Been relieved of its duties?

Then those turned over to my mind?

I felt that what I’ve known is a farce.

My life is a play that has no end.

A play that enjoys the comic tragedy.

Thoughts of you spring through my mind

While I sit and think to myself.

My head says to love you but I cannot.

Not that I cannot love you,

But that I cannot feel love.

I know that if I could feel I would love you.

If I could love I would feel.

But when thoughts of thoughts are thought upon,

Feelings get canceled out within me.

I laugh, I smile, only to fit in.

I nearly have to make myself.

Sad, how much I must try. Just to realize

That I feel what I do for you.

Love for another has not left,

Though I feel that memory laughing in my face.

Its murky breath filled with mildew

And mold. That which I feel, cannot be felt.

I make masks, to express myself now.

My monotone thoughts flood my eyes.

A tear, not known. One I know no the reason for

Streams down my face, to my heart.

My memories of memories,

Trickle down my face.

They leave me lonely and make my heart dry.

I need to know of the love  

Which nobody feels towards me.

I must know of the absence of love.

I have to realize that there is a void in my life,

Unfillable, relentless, one I wish I could end.

Alas that gash torn in my soul,

Cannot be stopped from tearing.

It is like pulling string from a knit quilt.

The slower you pull, the longer

You must know it is deteriorating.

I must end it, stop pulling  

At the strings tied to my heart.

I am a puppet. Not to myself,

Not to my mind, nor my heart.

But to the people in life.

Those which mold us into

What they want us to be.

Why can I not be a puppet for you.

Because, when my stings are pulled,

They may snap. I may be let go.

Who’s to know who will get hurt?

Life is funny that way.

And again I am swimming, sinking,

Smiling while drowning,

In the sea I have created for myself.

From those thoughts of thoughts.

For I am thinking of my memories.

Like shining a light into a billion mirrors.

This is like thinking of thoughts.

Like loving you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dont really know what made me write this. Perhaps it was too easy for me to do so. I know what I felt while writing it, but not how to say what it is.

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