
Every time you walk through that door

Remember I walked through it before

Every time you lay down in his bed

Remember its where once I laid my head

Every time he kisses you good night

Remember all the others he once held tight

Every time you think you won and have it made

Remember you got it through another’s pain

Therefore, before, you start to shout and rejoice

Remember you have him only because leaving

Was “my” choice

Author's Notes/Comments: 

you did not win, i gave up

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tammie's picture

its for tammy isnt it the poem remenber love tammie

PoeticParable_SporadicIntervals's picture

I felt every line as if you were writing about my life.. Your ending was very powerful. Women often think men are prizes to be won, yet have no idea the burden they are about to endure, as if they have the power to change what is not of their hands to control or mold.

Beautiful in its honesty

deethepoet's picture

Good work! *Applaudes*