i know not the reasons why

I watched the tears fall, not knowing why,

I sit alone, tears falling silently from my eyes

I wanted to scream out, but no words formed

No words to explain why my heart was torn

I did not love you, so why was I so hurt.

But yet I felt the pain, as if I had been burnt

Was it regret, of what might have been?

On the other hand, just regret of a heart I could not win

I only know the tears fell like rain from a summer sky

Making me wonder and making me ask why

Did I only want what I could not obtain?

That made me cry, and caused me such pain

How could I have lost, something I never even had

Why do I cry, why do I hurt, why am I so sad?

I cannot tell you, I do not know the reasons why

However, I know, no matter what, it hurts to hear good-bye

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i'm not sure why but i like this among the best i have read you have written