I believe in dreams

my soul

I Believe in Dreams


As I look out into the night, across the sky
In addition, think about you, and I wonder why.
Why you have to be so very far away,
Moreover, why you cannot be here to chase my fears away.

Do you believe dreams can come true?
God only knows, that I hope they do
Dreams of us together loving in the night
Holding each other till the morning light

Dreams of our bodies becoming one
Like the music of a beautiful song
No one around, just the two of us
The passion builds, with the slightest touch

Dreams of rainy days, lying together
Riding out our passion, as well as the weather
Yes my love, I do believe in dreams coming true
I believe in dreams, as well as I believe in you


Joyce James

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ya i believe, in dreams;hope;fate and most of all. i believe in love

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Robert C Millar's picture

Nice poem. Never stop believing

johnlvs2run's picture

Hi Joyce. I like "I believe in dreams" very much. I feel it personally and it makes me smile. John

poetvg's picture