my lover, my friend

You came to me in my time of need

Like a angel you heard my pleads

You lifted my spirit and gave me hope

Made me believe in anything I could cope

You became my friend steady and true

Turned all my gray skies to blue

In myself, you made me once again believe

You set my heart and my soul free

You became the love I always dreamed about

Filled me with hope, removed all my doubts

My love for you grew strong and true

Love was just a word until I loved you

As fast, as it came it all fell apart

Shattered dreams, broken hearts

We both knew it had to end,

I lost your love, and my best friend

Author's Notes/Comments: 

27 years later i found my friend again, and from that we found what i threw away all those years ago, the love we never forgot, never got over, i love you Rd

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