
I remember when I was 7

I would sit in my room and cry

Because I didn’t know who I was

And I couldn’t figure out why

I knew I was Hisako Pack

The daughter of Debra and Yas

But this question was different

And I was in a complete loss

Not like a mirror but

Someone else’s view

It was like floating around

And it was something completely new

I saw my self differently

It didn’t freak me out

I wasn’t calm either

And in put me in a doubt

Am I like other people

Do others have this life view

If not is there someone who can help me

Or has the same thought to help me construe

What if I am the only one

What if I’m doomed to think alone

Not a single person to console with

And I carry this thought unknown

I’ve cried many nights

Figuring out this type of site

And I still don’t understand it

With it’s constant trite

Who am I

Why am I here

What is this body I live in

Who’s body is this

This is the place I’m homed

But this spirit isn’t this face

I see something else in the mirror

And it’s nothing like this spirit

Who am I

Why am I here

What is this body I live in

Who’s body is this

Inspired by: The repetitive occurrence of “Who am I”

Dedicated to: The answers I’m seeking

Created on:  June 8, 2006 – 01:04

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