
I pick out a person

No specific one

I watch my thoughts worsen

Through torturous fun

All the sins they've ever done

They start to confide within me

Acting as if I am the one

The creator as they seem to see

I love watching them cry

As they beg me to stop

Watching them die

With quick heart-rate drop

I leave just enough

To render them alive

If they seem tough

I may let them survive

I doubt I would

Because of the screams

It just feels so good

To fulfill their worse dreams

It has been a passion I've had

For now quite some time

I know the thoughts are bad

But, the rush is so sublime!

The taking of another's existence

The blood stained on my hands

The squirm I watch and resistance

Especially at a males stupid demands

As if I'm going to listen to them

When they are the ones tied to the bed

I'll prove to them they?re need to condemn

They'll soon agree as their blood I spread

All over the walls

Now beauty abounds

With the dream that calls

For these screaming sounds

Now my dreams are sufficed

But only for the time being

Who next will be sliced

Who next will I be seeing?

Inspired by: People I wanna torture/kill

Dedicated to: Those people

Created on: February 12, 2005 - 22:05

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