All it took was a split second.
When she realized how much he cared.
All it took was a split second.
When she knew she was prepared.
All it took was a split second.
As he set himself and posed.
All it took was a split second.
When he knelt down and proposed.
Within this split second,
She knew her life was right.
And within that same second,
She accepted in delight.
Only a few seconds it took,
When their lives both began.
It all started with the look,
That started the whole plan.
The wedding date was set.
February 14th it was to be.
The same day they both met,
Was the same as their marriage jubilee.
They both drove there singly.
Not seeing one another till the aisle.
She held her stomach feeling tingly.
As she drove on with a smile.
All it took was a split second.
When he didn’t show up on time.
All it took was a split second.
As she felt her fear climb.
All it took was a split second.
As she saw her mother crying.
All it took was a split second.
When she stared her denying.
All it took was a split second.
When she heard the bad news.
All it took was a split second.
When her heart fell to her shoes.
All it took was a split second.
When the drunkard hit her future groom.
All it took was a split second.
And she was then standing at his tomb.
Inspired by: / Dedicated to: My mind
Created on: June 21, 2005