
I was caught in the stare

Of his mesmerizing eyes

I couldn’t look away

Despite all my tries

And the seconds flew by

They turned into hours

The next thing I know

He was givin’ me flowers

Puppy dog love

That grew something great

By the time I realized

I was gaining the weight

And then the months went by

I still couldn’t look back

As all my life plans

Had gone off the track

I was married and gone

Left family and friends

Just a high school diploma

My kid, paper, and pens

Day in and day out

I live life through these P’s

With my pens and my paper

I struggle in the breeze

The winds rip around me

A tornado I fight

Only giving my feelings

To the paper I write

Long past my prime

An’ still doing the same

Nothing has changed

Except my burning flame

Tired and worn out

Coals burning white

The tornado wins

I give up the fight

Still and unhappy soul

And it bothers me so

In the last moments I write

As I let my life go

Created on: August 26, 2008 - 0311

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