multiplicity of opposing

serenity of stupidity the oddity of normalcy the creativity of mediocrity all chosen in a wisp of time...

In the formation of tranquility set apart by condescending avalanche of hatred and self woe ...

meditation of self dedication set apart by false self reflection and misinterest led to the unthoughtful conclusion of wrong again...

misinterpretation often leads to bad pronunciation of love....

proof reading and agreeing to the acceptable terms of a rough draft to find in the end your character has been written out in final edit...serenity of stupidity...

intimate knowledge of brain waves to actions to humour unrecgonizeable by most shared a common bond of lunacy to which makes imperfect sense...oddity of normalcy...

undertaking a task to move the process along from under the outer uncaring action of a portrait not played sometime doth a premier presentation unfold...creativity of mediocrity...

often in a wisp of time doth these contrast appear

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