Things Change

Confusing thoughts

Things change

and where are my friends?

the ones i grew up with

the ones i shared my life with

Things change

but why do we have to?

to try to fit in

to be a better person

Things change

but how come i haven't?

because i want to stay the same

because i'm scared of it all

Things change

is it all meant to be?

did someone force us to be this way

did we bring it to ourselves

Things change

and where are my friends?

they all found a new life

they all faded away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

realizing that after you grow up, some friends stay and some go on with their own lives

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Robin's picture

your right people do change but do we really care?
if they were true friends they wouldnt care if we changed with them

Matt Handlos's picture

people come and people go
some stay and some blow
what the hell are friends worth anyway
i think most of them are fucking gay
people are cool and people suck
but who gives a fuck?

truly how life shows that it is a bitch