
You were born with my eyes
Now you have sarcastic sighs

You use to think I was funny
Now your asking me for money

When you were little you want me to tuck you in
Now I get goodnight mom with a grin

Your growing up so fast
I wish I could make each moment last
You we're my angel then
And you are my angel now

If only I could find a way
To turn back time
Slow things down
Keep you young, somehow

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Nice poem - has mother

Nice poem - has mother written all over it. Just one additional thought. When we empty out our cup of fears, i.e., letting go; there remains a barrenness in which we can use to fill (the cup) with additional love. It's the vaccum (space) within the womb that creates an environment condusive to bearing children. Hence it is the displacement of fear (of losing your children) that will assist you in loving more. I guess it is similar to the song, "If you love someone, set them free." The young eagle will only fly if the mother pushes it from the nest, Oh, then sit back and watch them soar! Again, lovely poem - Mom.