

Noise in the forrest...
the elves hide in a moment,
the song disappears.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I know I'm not good, but I'm doing my best

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Beavis's picture

Lose the first part, "I know

Lose the first part, "I know I'm not good", and keep the second part, "I'm doing my best". That's all any of us do. Sometimes it turns out that others like what you write. Sometimes, only you LOVE what you write, but keep writing. That's how you develop and you never know just what talent you may tap into if you don't delve into it. You already understand the form and function of a haiku and have a successful and lovely one here. Keep it up!

GregMerry's picture

oh thank you, you're really

oh thank you, you're really nice! :)
i got the idea for this haiku in tolkien's The Hobbit :)