The love we have
Is a true story to tell;
Unknown to the stars;
No moonbeam could hide.
The smile silently speaks;
Of what affection can feel;
Between you and me;
Our souls have long ago met.
You were raised from the north;
Though I live in the south;
I was born from the east;
You dwell in the west.
We are torn apart;
By the waves of the seven seas;
What about the mountains?
That divide the rugged terrains?
Will storm and thunder;
Put us asunder?
Leave it to the Rock of Ages;
His intervention will prevail.
How the time gives us freedom;
To follow and listen to our heart;
They keep beating from the start;
Since the day we were born.
The capsule of love never ceases;
To capture the gravity of our passion;
We are entranced by its glory;
Each moment is a joy; forever will be.
2nd August 2006