
My words can’t express my true feelings; it’s like a bubble inside me threatening to explode,

My emotions mix every time I see you, so much of me love’s everything about you, but there is so much that I hate,

My life got on a roller coaster when we met, with the constant ups and downs, my mind stirs when I think about the things I could be doing with my life, what I feel is truly unknown, rage or happiness.

You’re not a terrible friend, despite what I said, in only the best ways can you be terrible,

I’m sorry for all the things that I’ve done, every time I hurt my self I think about how it can hurt you,

I have kept things from you so I wouldn’t hurt you,

I can see you trough the smoke, your beautiful face frowns, killing me in ways unexplainable,

Your disappointment with me, burns, making its ways to the surface,

My love for you stabs me when I do the things I shouldn’t.

I stopped because of my love, only to start falling again,

I’m slipping back and I can’t get out, the only thing holding me up is that smiling face and the warmth I feel when I see you,

The warmth fades,

I’m trying to not let go of that feeling, but I feel cold when I look in to you perfect eyes, I feel like I should fall,

You’re helping me not slip further down, holding my weakened hand,

All I want to do is let go,

My words lose meaning I pointlessly babble nonsense around you,

My arms aches, not because of the wounds because of love I cant stop loving you and your ways, yes the ways that I hate, the ones you follow like a bible,

I don’t know how long I can take this,

I can’t see anymore if you’re worth it, but deep down I know you are,

In an ocean of tears you sit calmly in a boat, not worried about the hurricane around you, you sit there unaware of the damage to the one thing that help you float,

The ocean you sail upon belongs to me; every tear I hold back from you fills the never ending sea of sorrow,

The shore is surrounded by barbed wire I put there so it would all stay in,

Don’t take any with you as you leave,

Your eyes pierce my heart, every time I see them I feel like I should slip further down,

I can’t help but fall,

I can only try to climb for you so you can escape that ocean storm that resides within me I want to get to the top so you can sail away with out me so the boat can never be harmed again…

Author's Notes/Comments: 

4 a girl i know

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